Saturday, November 29, 2008


Tweetgrid searches Twitter in real time.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Diigo for social bookmarking

You can relate to this? Then we have something in common

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

Max your triangle. The love v growth v cash triangle

Jack Cheng forwards the idea of balancing needs. He sees the tension of balancing financial needs v doing something for the love of it v simply learning something new.

His advice is to evaluate what you do and get a balance in each area in order to "max the triangle".

Kicking the procrastination habit

Trisha Gura, in her Scientific American article discusses the ins and outs of this topic we are all interested in.
Not suprisingly the simple advice is "just get started".

Procrastination is worth avoiding,as it can cause financial penalty, relationship stress,health problems....and more!

It is "A dance between the brain and the situation". Nicely put.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Web 2.0 and the Health Sector

"Those who choose to ignore the deep trends of ehealth
2.0 risk missing the early stages of a social,
economic and technological tectonic shift."
E-Health Insider

The application of Web 2.0 technologies in the health sector is starting to have an impact on health services and patient empowerment. Sharing information and experiences through social networking and chat sites such as Twitter have enormous potential for feedback of experiences and learning from others.

Google for Research

From: umhealthscienceslibraries,

A presentation to the Taubman Medical Research Institute.

SlideShare Link

Thursday, November 20, 2008

US adults are also "at it" !!!!!!

Yes............they're ONLINE!!

thanks HarrisInteractive

New Zealanders are madly "at it" !!!

24% of 25-64 year olds in New Zealand are into social networking on their mobiles. One out of every six minutes spent on the mobile internet is in a social networking community.
thanks Simon Young

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Still going up

Trust nothing

“Trust nothing! Analyze, process, synthesize, doubt, come to own conclusions. Only a data point!”

thanks to @ciscoiii and @markhawker

iMedix at Health 2.0

Deloitte's Health Consumer Survey (United States 2008)

From here.............

34 percent say they would use a retail clinic; 16 percent already have
60 percent want physicians to provide online access to medical records and test results, and online appointment scheduling; 1 in 4 say they would pay more for the service
1 in 3 consumers say they want more holistic/alternative therapies in their treatment program
3 in 4 consumers want expanded use of in-home monitoring devices and online tools that would reduce the need for visits and allow individuals to be more active in their care
66 percent strongly favor or lean toward state-mandated health insurance
84 percent prefer generics to name-brand drugs
1 in 4 consumers maintain a personal health record

Monday, November 17, 2008

Twittering for Public Health

Linking which systems to which strategy?

Electronic health record for the future

Does anyone doubt the direction of microblogging tools?

Microblogging: A Semantic Web and Distributed Approach

Medicine2.0 is

the use of a specific set of Web tools (blogs, Podcasts, tagging, search, wikis, etc) by actors in health care including
patients, and
using principles of open source and generation of content by users, and
the power of networks in order to
personalize health care,
collaborate, and
promote health education.

Create a Pipe to control your RSS feeds

Yahoo! Pipes editor is a tool to mash, aggregate and manipulate content from the web.
Go to Yahoo Pipes
The library pane lists available modules that create specific tasks.
The canvas pane is the main work area for assembling and testing.
The debugger is the grey area at the bottom where you can see the results

Search for news on “_____”
Grab the RSS feed (copy link)
Go to Pipes
Create a Pipe
From the library pane……
Fetch feed…drag it onto the ‘stage’
Paste in the RSS URL that you copied
Filter…drag to the stage.
Connect the pipes
Customise the block/allow items that match all/any of the following. Then
Next field matches the RSS link so select field you wish to filter. Eg title..contains..(the word you wish to filter out)
Drag the pipe to output

You could to a Technorati blog search .
Check the Authority which is the number of blogs linking to the number of blogs in your search results. Copy the RSS URL link
Fetch feed Paste in the RSS URL
Eg block “inbound blogs” in the Technorati RSS URL that “is less than” 20
Union command
Plug the two feeds into the Union bar
Join to Pipe Output
Run the pipe
Have a look at the results in the grey debugger area below

Creating this pipe gives you granular spam control over blog searches
Go to the top and change the title
Run pipe
You can get as a page, post onto your reader page, get results by email, create RSS of the feed.

Watch a video tutorial here………….

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is your SL avatar your 'friend' or your 'alter ego'?

A couple in Britain were divorced after a Second Life (SL) affair via their avatars. A couple had a steamy affair after meeting in a chat room. Their slim SL characters physically bore no resemblance to their real world appearances, but the aggrieved wife filed for divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.

The question of whether an avatar is ‘you’ or ‘a friend’ seems clear in this case, given that the emotions of love and jealousy were experienced in the real world.

Story Dominion Post (Wellington) Saturday 15 November 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Marshall Kirkpatrick introduces Yahoo Pipes

Using Yahoo! Pipes is not too difficult. Filter your blog searches using Pipes as described in this tutorial.

You do not have to be a developer or software engineer to do this. (Thank goodness)

Give it a try. Go on.


Find Yahoo! Pipes here

Click here for a tutorial on the basics of how to build a pipe.

Reaching people

Five Ways to Use Social Media to Reach People Who Don't Use Social Media

# Develop Relationships with People Who Bridge The Gap Inside Other Organizations
# Use Web 2.0 Tools to Learn About Real Life Public Events
# Make Your Blog an Email Newsletter and Promote it Elsewhere
# Look Harder, Your Audience Probably is Using Social Media That You Aren't Aware Of
# Use the Internet to Make Yourself Smarter In Real Life

Thanks to: Marshall Kilpatrick

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Twitter now has

3,328,420 twitterers on 12th November 2008

What are your Twitter goals?

Thanks Darren Rowse and followers.

Do you want to…………
Meet other people?
Find people with similar interests?
Communicate with people who share interests?
Share resources?
Find resources?
Build a personal brand?
Be seen as an expert in the field of (-------)?
Be noticed by a particular person/s| group?
Market a business?
Market a blog?
Feel part of community?
Chat | converse?
Have fun and be a little silly or wacky?

Therefore, think about

What you tweet about
The keywords you track
Who you follow
Who you interact with
How you promote yourself | your blog | your interests
Whether you converse or broadcast yourself
How often you tweet
What tools you use
How much time you spend compared with value/satisfaction you receive

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Multimodal Learning Through Media: What the Research Says

Cisco White Paper unravels the misinformation about the effectiveness of multimodal learning.
It looks at the most effective ways of teaching and learning, in a fascinating paper. This critical look at a previously published, widely stated learning myths is refreshing. Peer review is a necessary process.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Neilsen report on social networks

Nielsen Online’s September results for the top social networking sites include some familiar names - continues to lead the pack, followed by Facebook and What is interesting is that nearly half of the biggest social networking sites are also among the fastest growing - and they are all most popular (when ranked by composition index) among age groups over 25.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why use Twitter?

Twitter is a broadcasting tool (one to many), a conversation tool (one to one)and a discussion tool (many to many).
Twitter reminds people that there are others ‘out there’
It is a ‘water cooler’ for those unable to share the ‘passing moment’
It helps people feel ‘techno/geek’ because little skill is needed for great interaction.
It enables people to learn and connect.
It is quick way to communicate.
It enables people to connect or disconnect on their terms.
Some enjoy the large but ‘do not care’ audience.
It enables a trivial and more personal interaction compared with blogs.
The informality and briefness of each contact is appealing to some.
Quick responses are possible.
Twitter promotes teamwork and is fun.
It is possible to connect with people with like interests.
It is instant communication.
A greater level of intimacy is possible.
It enables some to feel more engaged with technical people.
Working alone is less lonely with Twitter available.
Twitter can facilitate the rapid spread of knowledge and ideas.
Twitter enables ‘connection’.
Twitter ‘unites lost souls’ and reminds us we are ‘all in it together’.
Twitter is like a ‘friendly pub’ where friends meet.
Following people on Twitter can keep people ‘up to date’ with current ideas.
Instant updates ensure ‘right now’ opinions.
Potpourris of changing topic make it interesting.
It breaks the feeling of isolation.
Other people’s links are interesting.
Useful information is easily shared.
Twitter is a mobile communication tool..the mobility is appealing.
Quirky and crazy remarks are funny.
Selfless people doing things for the community are common on twitter.
Updates without the ‘spam’ are possible.
Keeps track of others in the same field.
It is simple to use.
It taps into collective consciousness.
Wisdom of the crowds idea.
Instant responses are possible.
Networking with like-minded people is great.
It is possible to be connected but no obligated.
It is not necessary to be continuously updating, breaks do not matter.
It functions as a cathartic medium and it is possible to ‘get thoughts out of the system’.
Connecting with people on an equal basis is possible on Twitter.
It enables exposure to a diverse range of ideas.
Direct replies are very good.
The speed and personal nature of Twitter are appealing.
Connectivity, communication and community = Twitter.
Instant, easy and free = Twitter.
It enables insights in other people’s lives.
Choosing which conversations to tune into without obligation is fun and informative.
It is a good learning tool.
It is a good sharing environment.
It is possible to ask many people a question….once.
It feels like face-to-face conversation.
140 characters make it concise.
It jump-starts ideas.
The sense of trust and community Twitter fosters is enjoyable.
Live coverage of events is possible (US and NZ elections)\.
The search feature is a fast way to find people with similar interests.
Appointments and announcements are quickly and easily broadcast.
Twitter can be a 'note taking' tool for recording ideas offline.
Twitter is a social marketing tool.
Learn about trends and hot topics.

Monday, November 3, 2008

RSS feeds from Pubmed

Thanks to Ulrich Schrader
1. Go to Pubmed
2. Place limits on your search eg Links to free full text.
3. Enter search terms.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Choose RSS Feed in the dropdown list.
5. Create Feed (click).
6. On the confirmation page choose the XML (orange) option, to take you to the feed.
7. Copy the feed.
8. Go to your Reader (eg Google Reader)
9. Add the subscripton.
10. It is automatically updated.

voilĂ  !

How to search for a book online

Thanks to prep4med

allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) TheTitle

in Google Search but replace TheTitle with the book's name.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Edgar Dale on retention of learning


These figures have been challenged here:
Will at Work Learning Blog

and here:
Cisco Report: Multimodal Learning Through Media: What the Research Says

The Cisco Report debunks Dale's percentages. Of course they were too rounded and tidy anway. It bemoans the fact that they have been so widely distributed and traces the myth back to source.
The paper describes the reason why people find the myth so compelling, which is the desire for the "magic bullet" or the "easy way" to do something that is complex.

The Cisco Report is worth a read.